About Me

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Algonquin/Chicago, Illinois, United States
I enjoy watching people on various forms of public transit and listening to their conversations.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

air pollution.

so today was not my wisdom teeth operation as it should have been. today was just normal day, like every wednesday of this summer. College Algebra at ECC, no Trigonometry. get home at 10:30. eat lunch and waste time.

the surgeon had an all important emergency surgery he had to perform today. yes, how sad.

the surgery is now august 16th. yes. 3 days before move-in day. what a great impression that will make on the new sophomores. "allo ew sophoorefth. y namne isth o." that'll charm them i'm sure.

the macbeth's didn't work out. so i continued shoe hunting. finally, settled on these:


if these don't work out, i give up and will surrender myself to a life of cliche clothes and garage sale shoes.

Currently Listening:
Page France


Anonymous said...

Bo Shi!
I can't in good conscience let you purchase those shoes.
The are nasty junk balls.
They are soaked in evil.

Anonymous said...
