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Algonquin/Chicago, Illinois, United States
I enjoy watching people on various forms of public transit and listening to their conversations.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


This here is a bad day.

Read Eysturlid that I didn't even have today.
Got 3 hours of sleep because of that.
Didn't even complete my MI4 quiz.
Achieved at best a B on my MI4 quiz because of that.
Had a hard time in German.
Felt cast-aside.

And to top it off, dinner tonight is ruined.

Thank you security, for taking into consideration the 4 hours of hard work that was put into decorating our wing last night. It was really the first time the entire wing worked together and made something happen. Those decorations were truly stunning, and each person in the wing was truly excited. The walls were covered with fabric. The fabric had the design of a starry night. The entire hallway looked like a never ending night sky. Balloons were blown, streamers were hung, but all that had to be taken down. Why? Because they're fire hazards. Oh really? Well what isn't a fire hazard? Everything is a fucking fire hazard, all the posters on the wall can burn. 4 foot inbetween? Well we tried to compromise and put dopey looking spaces of 2 inches between fabrics. Nope, security says it had to be all taken down, and then continued to sit on their lazy asses and watch us take down what was hours of hard work and wing bonding. Fuck you security. Those were homecoming decorations. Why is it ok for it to be up at homecoming and not our wing dinner? Ask them that and they have no answer. So yes, thank you security for ruining all of our planning and hard work that went into this dinner. Thank you for ruining the dinner for us and our dates. Now instead of a romantic-esque "Fly Me To The Moon" themed dinner, we will be having a Mediterranean feast in the blandness of off-white. That is, if we are going to have this dinner at all. There really is no point anymore. The class is gone, and a lame dinner would just be...well lame.

A lot of bullshit went on today, and I'm tired. I'm going to bed early tonight.

This is me with the words on the tip of my tongue,
and my eye through the scope down the barrel of a gun.
Remind me not to ever act this way again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that you felt "cast aside" because of me. and I'm sorry.
I thought you were mad by your "sure, I'll talk to you later" response on Gmail....
but you know I am friends with Alan and I can't, and don't want to, totally ditch him. Ok? I really don't want to mess things up between the two of you. Just try to understand, please? =/
alright, sorry about the bad day.
but I hope that the snow day improved it infinitely.