About Me

My photo
Algonquin/Chicago, Illinois, United States
I enjoy watching people on various forms of public transit and listening to their conversations.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


so i'm driving.

it's really fun.

but not with dad. he yells at me. makes me quite nervous and scared.

don't drive with hot-tempered parents.

Currently Listening:
Matt Pond PA

Friday, June 16, 2006


no more 4.0 =[

but i do have a pretty good schedule for next year. tell me if you have any classes and/or breaks with me!


7:30 MI3 (subject to change, hoping to skip to MI4) - Pandya
8:45 Break
9:35 German II - Michalak
10:50 Symphony Orchestra - Porter
11:35 Midday
12:10 Literary Explorations II - Cain
1:25 Break
2:15 Topics in World Studies - Dehaven
3:25 End of Classes

7:30 MI3 (subject to change, hoping to skip to MI4) - Pandya
8:20 Discrete Mathematics - Porzio
9:35 German II - Michalak
10:25 Break
10:50 Symphony Orchestra - Porter
11:35 Midday
12:10 Break
12:35 Advanced Chemistry: Matter & Molecules - Wallmuth
2:15 Advanced Physics: Motion & Forces - New Teacher
3:50 End of Classes


7:30 Break
9:35 German II - Michalak
10:45 Symphony Orchestra - Porter
11:35 Midday
12:10 Literary Explorations II - Cain
1:25 MI4 (subject to change, hoping to be BCI) - Stalmack
2:15 Topics in World Studies - Dehaven
3:25 End of Classes

7:30 Break
7:55 Advanced Physics: Waves & Fields - Lawrence
9:35 German II - Michalak
10:20 Break
10:50 Symphony Orchestra - Porter
11:35 Midday
12:10 Break
1:00 MI4 (subject to change, hoping to be BCI) - Stalmack
2:15 Advanced Chemistry: Reactions & Qualitative Analysis
3:55 End of Classes

Thursday, June 15, 2006


looks like things are sinking back into rhythm.

that's not good.

i'm comfortably confused

when i want to be afraid.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


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yea. pedophilia. so what?

Monday, June 05, 2006

shedd aquarium, buckingham fountain, etc.

so finally got the pics uploaded from that chicago trip i took last week. here's to a long post.

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outside the aquarium.

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love this camera. fish!

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sweet pic of turtle.

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ugly fish.

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seadragons!! so colorful =]

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group for them.

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pelican fish.

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ok, so stingrays are freaking hard to catch a pic of. this took me like...at least 30 tries. and it's still not so great. *shrugs*

the next three pics are probably my favorite. same pic. three different perspectives.

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looking from the outside.

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looking through too hard.

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looking inside. seeing something beautiful. =]

jeez i love those shots. ok, so back to random pics.

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the cliche skyscraper shot.

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alice and i, and our respective minis. hehee =D

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the photograph of the photographer.

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the path of serenity. perfection has never come so close.

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they are so cute!

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i'm not sure who took this pic...not me. maybe parents, but i really like it. one of my faves.

and that concludes this extremely long picture post. XP hope you enjoyed a couple pictures. i'll leave you with this.

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Currently Listening:
Yes, Virginia
The Dresden Dolls

Friday, June 02, 2006


sophomore year is officially over and i've found my senior quote.

"To tight pants and being awesome."

- Aaron James Ottinger