About Me

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Algonquin/Chicago, Illinois, United States
I enjoy watching people on various forms of public transit and listening to their conversations.

Friday, July 28, 2006

boy of summer.

The last three weeks of summer will be more eventful/entertaining/amazing than the past 2 months combined. An outline of my next three weeks:

This weekend, July 29th & 30th: Pitchfork Music Festival. Ahhhhh, so excited! Two days, forty-one bands! My dream has come true. 8D

Tuesday, August 1st: Date with Sassy Maxy. Yay!!!! He's leaving for college 8(. I will terribly miss that kid.

Thursday, August 3rd: NO MORE FREAKING ECC CLASSES! YEA!!!! Also, I'm leaving for the East Coast that day. Woooot! People who want little gifts should be nice and call me. Heeheeee.

Monday, August 14th: I will be back from the East.

Wednesday, August 16th: So this isn't a very fun day. This is the day my wisdom teeth get pulled. Ouchies. People should express their deep concern by calling me and leaving happy comments! 8)

We have once again rescheduled. It is now due for winter break. Aghface.

Saturday, August 19th: IMSA Move-In Day!!!! YAY!!! I miss the place...a lot. Can't wait to see all the old and new people! We should have some getting back party. 8)

Hope the next three weeks of everyone else's summer is also full of great things. This is the time to make the most of summer.

Currently Listening:
Rock and Roll Starbucks
Lose Weight Look Great
Win a Date With Galactic Heartthrob

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

air pollution.

so today was not my wisdom teeth operation as it should have been. today was just normal day, like every wednesday of this summer. College Algebra at ECC, no Trigonometry. get home at 10:30. eat lunch and waste time.

the surgeon had an all important emergency surgery he had to perform today. yes, how sad.

the surgery is now august 16th. yes. 3 days before move-in day. what a great impression that will make on the new sophomores. "allo ew sophoorefth. y namne isth o." that'll charm them i'm sure.

the macbeth's didn't work out. so i continued shoe hunting. finally, settled on these:


if these don't work out, i give up and will surrender myself to a life of cliche clothes and garage sale shoes.

Currently Listening:
Page France

Friday, July 14, 2006

new shoes.

so it kind of sucks cause i had to go with my 3rd choice: the cement/black macbeth's. my first and second choices were the green macbeth's and the brown tweed converse, but they didn't have my size in stock. oh well. they're just shoes right?

give me asian indie damnit!

Currently Listening:
Plastic People EP
Plastic People

Thursday, July 13, 2006

i haven't felt this asian since 2 weeks ago.

i have discovered...

chinese indie!

yea. wtf. i didn't even think china had progressed enough to have "indie" lol. when did this happen? i never thought i'd ever like an asian band besides F.I.R. but here i am now, scrambling for asian music now. the surpising thing is that it is very good too.

china has never seemed so cool.

help me pick shoesssssss. please. ok, i have added a couple of things to my prospective shoes. so far it is 1 Green Tweed Converse, 1 Velvet Converse, and 1 Cement/Black Macbeth. changes of mind should be said.

Cement/Black Macbeth

Army Green/Gold Macbeth

Velvet Converse

Brown Tweed Converse

Green Tweed Converse

Currently Listening:
Maybe I Don't Care

Monday, July 10, 2006

i miss imsa.

orientation was really cool. new sophies are cooler than i expected. a few that deserve to be named are laura, abby, eva, rock (nick), jimmy, and seth. hoping the rest of the class of 09 is just as great. be nice to the above named.

some sophies are still so silly. oh well. they'll learn in time.

ECC is torture. i want it to be over.

July 19th marks the day my wisdom teeth are removed. call me if you wanna comfort me. 8) haha, steph and i are gonna trade teeth. weird.

so i'm looking for shoes...i've got...3 in mind i guess. i'm not particularly over excited for any of them, but each has got its cool parts and lame parts.

  • http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/9169832/c/49435.html

  • i like the design i guess, but i don't like the no lace look. hopefully i can somehow put laces on it still.

  • http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/9169832/c/49436.html

  • same with that one, just color is different. i don't know which one i like better..

  • http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/8483522/c/4769.html

  • this one is a little more plain and simple, however, the subtle amazingness is that it's velvet. so yea that's pretty cool.

    i don't know though. opinions on the shoes, sophomores, or whatever would be nice.

    Currently Listening:
    Gil Mantera's Party Dream

    Thursday, July 06, 2006


    so i'm still driving. still alive. not dead yet.

    i'm going to pitchfork!! who wants to come with me?
  • www.pitchforkmusicfestival.com

  • i wanna go shopping.

    The Devil Wears Prada - Sunday, Loews Theatre, with Sharon. 8)

    let's talk about spaceships
    or anything
    except you and me

    Currently Listening:
    Let's Talk About Spaceships
    Numbers & Mumbles
    Say Hi To Your Mom