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Algonquin/Chicago, Illinois, United States
I enjoy watching people on various forms of public transit and listening to their conversations.

Monday, July 10, 2006

i miss imsa.

orientation was really cool. new sophies are cooler than i expected. a few that deserve to be named are laura, abby, eva, rock (nick), jimmy, and seth. hoping the rest of the class of 09 is just as great. be nice to the above named.

some sophies are still so silly. oh well. they'll learn in time.

ECC is torture. i want it to be over.

July 19th marks the day my wisdom teeth are removed. call me if you wanna comfort me. 8) haha, steph and i are gonna trade teeth. weird.

so i'm looking for shoes...i've got...3 in mind i guess. i'm not particularly over excited for any of them, but each has got its cool parts and lame parts.

  • http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/9169832/c/49435.html

  • i like the design i guess, but i don't like the no lace look. hopefully i can somehow put laces on it still.

  • http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/9169832/c/49436.html

  • same with that one, just color is different. i don't know which one i like better..

  • http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/8483522/c/4769.html

  • this one is a little more plain and simple, however, the subtle amazingness is that it's velvet. so yea that's pretty cool.

    i don't know though. opinions on the shoes, sophomores, or whatever would be nice.

    Currently Listening:
    Gil Mantera's Party Dream


    Anonymous said...

    orientation was ok. i think i liked it... =)

    how did i post on sat.? umm, i stay up late? yeah, i'm a night person.

    see ya in august!

    btw, out of those 3 shoes, i like the velvet ones best.

    Anonymous said...

    i posted around 12:00 am midnight, which means friday had just ended and sat. had barely even begun. afterwards, at 8:30-ish am saturday, my parents and i left for imsa orientation.

    glad we got that question answered, eh? lol

    actually, i dunno. we called the oral surgeon, but he's apparently very much in demand, cuz his next free opening for my appointment would be after imsa starts. so now my parents are finding me another surgeon. or maybe they forgot about it. haha

    ouch, all 4? yikes. well, hope it all turns out ok. but hey, look on the bright side, at least if they're out now and early, u won't have to worry about crooked teeth and braces as an adult. =D

    Anonymous said...

    ugh, big poofy cheeks? gross. u'd laugh? gee, thanx a lot. lol

    haha, driving on drugs. i'd like to see that. that'd suck if u had to postpone the final. maybe u can change the date of ur surgery? anywayz, hope everything works out in the end. oh, and remember to take a picture of ur self. so then i can laugh at u. =D

    wait, so for imsa, do they give out student parking spaces? cuz that's what they did at central. i'm guessing not. not that it matters for me this yr. i still dunno how to drive. but my parents promised me next summer. then i'll probably carpool with my naperville friends or take the train to downtown naperville.

    noticed that u were a libra and born in the year of the horse. same here! what day? mine's oct. 22.

    Anonymous said...

    You GO, Bo. You're right about that ONE girl...on XANGA...you know who I'm talking about.

    Hope you're having a kick-ass summer! and out of those Sophomores that you said deserving naming, I only met a couple of them, but with those 2 I agree with you ^_^

    I think there were more less-intelligent sophies there, but that's just cuz it's orientation. The ones with frivolous intentions will probably either decide not to go, or get kicked out. Overall, I don't think '09 is going to be any dumber than the rest of us. I can't wait to meet the rest of 'em.

    Just got a myspace if you're interested- myspace.com/thefriggincheatpwns

    lemme know how you're doing and if you have an AIM or something.

    Party on!